Members must submit requestsusing the OSSTF D17 TBU Application for Professional Development Funding. Applications are reviewed once per month at the Educational Services Committee meeting.
Please note: This means members may not know if their application is approved or denied prior to paying for, and attending, their professional development.
Members applying for time release and/or supply coverage to attend their conference/workshop/training MUST have their application approved by the Educational Services Committee PRIOR to attending in order to be granted access to OSSTF-Funded Professional Development release time.
For conferences/workshops/training, which DO NOT require release time, and courses, applications MUST be received before the END date of the course or event.
The APPLICATION for the 2023-2024 School Year is NOW OPEN!
For 2023-24, funding for Conferences/Workshops/Training, Courses, Association/Membership Fees is available up to a maximum of $1000 and can be applied to multiple professional development opportunities.
If your application for funding has been APPROVED and your conference/workshop/training/course has ended, or you have paid your membership fees, you have 30 days to submit your expense claim with all itemized receipts. An expense claim MUST be received in order to receive reimbursement.
Please note that if your claim is for a course, you must provide proof of course completion along with your itemized receipts.