1.An OSSTF D17 Contract teacher (or Continuing Education teachers with at least 330 hours within the past year) in good standing can be funded for professional development opportunities up to $750.00 per school year.
2.D17 TBU funding is NOT available for SCDSB subsidized professional learning. The PD fund is NOT intended to subsidized the SCDSB’s in-service, nor any School Board, or Ministry of Education initiatives. It is intended for D17 TBU members who are self-directing their professional learning.
3.Members must submit requestsusing the OSSTF D17 TBU Application for Professional Development Funding. Applications are reviewed once per month at the Educational Services Committee meeting. You must have an APPROVED Application for Professional Development onfile in order to submit a claim upon completion of your professional development opportunity.
Please note: this means members may not know if their application is approved or denied prior to paying for, and attending, their professional development.
Members applying for time release and/or supply coverage to attend their conference or workshop MUST have their application approved by the Committee PRIOR to attending in order to be granted access to OSSTF-Funded Professional Development release time.
**Only conferences/workshops/training within the province of Ontario will be considered for funding.**
4.Requests will be considered in the order in which they are received until the funds are exhausted. You will receive confirmation of approval via your personal email from the Educational Services Committee.
5.Following the completion of the conference/workshop/training or the end of the course, applicants must complete the District 17 Expense Claim Form linked here and found on the front page of the d17teachers.com website.
Your claim MUST befiled within 30 days of the end of your conference/workshop/training or the end of the course.Applications remaining incomplete after 30 days from the end of the PD activity shall be deemed incomplete and closed. This means that if you do notfile a claim and submit all required paperwork within 30 days of the end of your conference/workshop/training or the end of your course, yourfile will be closed and you will not receive any funding.
Claims for events occurring or ending in July and August shall be submitted no later than September 30 of the following school year.
6.All applications for funding shall be submitted by June 13 of the current school year.
7.Applications for funds for PD occurring or ending between July 1 and August 31 shall be considered as part of the funding allocation for the current school year.
8.Members in good standing can apply for one PD opportunities for the 2024-25 school year. Funding can be applied to:
●Up to$750.00for Conference/Workshop/Training registration, mileage,accommodations and meal costs, and up to 1 day of OT coverage (max per school year), workshop or seminar.Original receipts shall be required for allexpenses except mileage. Eligible expenses include: registration, hotel,transportation, mileage ($0.64/km), parking, and meals (Max: Breakfast $15; lunch$20; Dinner $25).
**Only conferences/workshops/training within the province of Ontario will be considered for funding.**
Reimbursement will be based on conference fees, hotel and food expenses, andthen mileage or car rentals. Claims made without proof of conference registrationfees will not be approved or accepted. A maximum of $200 may be claimed formileage.
●Up to$750.00* to fund AQ, ABQ, Undergraduate, Masters, and/or PhD course.
**PQP Courses are NOT eligible for funding**
● Membership fees Professional Organizations (voluntary) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding use of these funds, please contact your Educational Services Representative in your school, email the Education Services Committee([email protected]), or call the D17 OSSTF Office.
We will not respond to, or accept Applications for PD Funding / PD Funding claims, from SCDSB email addresses.
All communication is to be handled through a personal email address. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------